Thursday 19 February 2015

Performance vs Awareness

I have been avoiding doing performances lately and i tried to understand why that is. I came to the conclusion that performance sounds very intimidating because you assume there will be an audience which will focus on you and your performance as you are part of the piece. A performance that requires attention. So after a while i kept thinking why cant the performance change to awareness where i don't have to have people look at me but requires for them just to be aware of the performance which might be quite subtle. A performance which requires for people to notice it and look at it for some time to realize that what i am doing is a piece of work. 

Another worry that i have with performance is that i would be part of the art piece and there may be nothing solid to present, but just use my own body to show the performance. That idea of the work being present and performed but not physically seen or touched is at the same time very interesting and scary to me. Work that is present in the moment and needs to be seen in the moment because it can disappear or change. For example the performance piece outside with glow in the dark chalks on pavements is a piece of work that needs to be seen in that particular time as it isn't permanent and can be easily missed. The video for me is a way of documenting the actual performance but isn't the work in itself. I really like interactions that are not permanent but highlight the space or make people aware of their surroundings.

Link to my first tryout performance with chalks

Although the chalk wasn't as bright as i wanted it to be i still like the luminosity of it. I think it goes well with the place around. The bright city lights which suddenly become even more noticeable to me. I became more aware of the city view from the balcony after making this performance as i could see the colors of the chalk in the city view. Also i think working in a grid and the space worked very well for me as i used the grid as my guideline although adding my own expression to the work.

Me being the center point of the work

Looking back at last year with the piece of work that i have made on the studio floor i realize that it was in some sense a performance. I worked best when people were around me rather than when i was by myself. The sense of presence of other people was very important to me and i realize it now and maybe that is why i am drawn to performance and awareness. I produce work best when people are aware of it. I think i feel supported that way and it encourages for me to produce more work.


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