Friday 16 January 2015

Tutorial, circles, performance and me!

So i had my tutorial the other day and i didn't know where our conversation with my tutor (Rory) would lead us in terms of my art, its always unpredictable and i always learn something new about my art just by talking about it and discussing it with other people. I was really excited for my tutorial and i wasn't disappointed! 

So i started to talk to Rory about what i made throughout the holidays (photoshopped marks) and the week of uni (working with the marks on the table). I was explaining the idea behind it and why i chose this and not something different. I started talking about what is important to me and throughout Rory questioned everything i said making me think deeper into WHY i chose what i chose. For example why did i choose to spin the mark in a circle, why same distance? WHY it is so important to me to do that? And then suddenly out of nowhere i said "I like to be the center point!" That was an eye opener! Every explanation that i gave before to the questions above where right but not as strong as this one! It felt so right! It explains a lot of things and a lot of my decisions regarding my work! It also made me think of why i want to be the center point? its not just about the circle itself but maybe because i feel more protected when surrounded. When i repeat a mark in a circle it grown and grows out evenly and in layers, adding more and more protection for the middle point and i feel like i'm the middle point. So maybe that's why it also leads me to performance, my work in a way is performative. I will experiment towards performance and being the center point of it soon! I am very excited as i am slowly but surely on the way of understanding my art!


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