Sunday 30 November 2014


Listen project i absolutely loved! I can see it developing into many directions! Play around with it and make it fun! Listen project is so open as you can do anything in it, there's a lot you can explore, the subject the medium the process!

At the start of the project i was interested what is Listen about, not knowing made me very interested and i couldn't stop thinking about what i can make. It sounded different from any other project planned. I had many ideas by the time the project started!

I wanted to go big scale and working with movement and sound. Moving to the sound of something meditative, to get lost in that sound and express it through drawing/ hand movements on paper. I made three such pieces of work where i listened to yoga music for 3 minutes. I loved the state of mind i was in while reacting to music, it was so calm and relaxing, i could feel myself disappearing in music chosen. I filmed myself while making one of such pieces and edited later to include sound on top. I blindfolded myself in order to enhance my hearing and not get distracted by any visual information which can affect my hand movements. This was fun and i loved that i could not see what i was doing and how the piece looked until the very end. Its like a mini surprise!

When it was my time to present my project i wrongly shown a wrong video of me producing work but without the sound of the music i listened to while making it. Instead i showed the raw futtage, where i had a friend telling me when to change the colour of the oil pastel which was amusing because he said "change" in Russian and it sounded quite demanding as well! It was fun! Everybody loved that part! so i had to act like i wasn't embarrassed! I think it was one of them times where a mistake actually helped me to understand my work in a different way. Look at it from a different angle. After discussions i realized that the idea of my work didn't come through, i was controlled when making work by the voice, when i wanted to show how a person can get lost in music and the movements he produces through it. However this made me think about how i can improve my work, how i can minimize control or use it to my benefit and move my project in a different direction. 

Originally i wanted to show how a person can get lost in time though yoga music which is relaxing and meditative in nature as well as the movements. Now i realize that 3 minutes isn't enough to go into the state that i wanted to get to. Maybe next time i will do this for an hour or more to allow myself drown in music and forget anything else that might be on my mind. Also i see this work developing into a performance! Which sounds very exciting! A0 paper size or bigger which would not restrict me in bigger movements, where i can place the paper on the floor and allow my full body to respond to music. Allowing my work to expand and grow with layers. 

Another way i see this project moving is where i respond to music but i am controlled in some way. Either by another person in the way that he controls my actions or he does something that brings me to the present moment and distracts me from the state that i am in while listening and responding to music. Maybe i can also see how i can restrict myself in what i am drawing and see how music affects my movement depending on the type of music. Draw a grid while listening to music. Depending on music my lines will change. 

Listen Project was fun with some surprises! :D


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