Sunday 30 November 2014

Enlightening Tutorial!

One on one tutorial was so helpful! I really missed critique and discussions, finally they have arrived! By the end of the 1 hour 40 minute tutorial i was so full of ideas i loved it! I left with the feeling of completeness, everything seemed to fall in perfectly in place! I was itching to make some work, i didn't feel so happy  for a while now! This feeling didn't leave me for the rest of the day. 

Me and Rory (my tutor) explored my practice, analyzing the work i have made and the work i am drawn to as well as the interests i have. For a couple of weeks now i was trying to figure something out about my practice. Any work that i have produced had a hidden theme that i couldn't figure out, but by the end of the tutorial and me talking about my interests and ideas, Rory repeated my own words to me made me realize what was the common theme of my work. Something the way he said things and what he chose to say back to me just clicked with my work! An eye opener! 

We have realized that in my work i try to escape time in some way, whether it be the process of making the work or the repetition of something that allows me to lose the sense of time. I don't like ends and beginnings which is very interesting as i can explore this further to find out how i can make work with that. Not everyday i experience such happiness and completeness and not everyday i find something new about myself. However now i ask myself why i try to escape time. Do i want it to slow down? Or do i have memories that i want to escape through art and the process of making work? This i still need to figure out!

Overall, i loved it! My first tutorial went better than expected and i really lost the sense of time while in it ahha! Haven't talked in such detail of my practice for a while and it was like a breath of fresh air, receiving another persons point of view about your work and you as a person. 

All i can say is that i have an amazing tutor! Thanks Rory!


When i'm trusting and being myself as fully as possible, everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously ~Shakti Gawain

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